
Monday, July 21, 2014

Weekend Recap-Fruedenfest and Elmo balloons

What a great (and yet another busy!) weekend!!

Our sitter was on vacation this week so my parents watched Cooper while we were at work. 

Friday my mom sent me this picture:

Lunch was delicious apparently!
Friday night Jon and I met some of our friends for Fruedenfest (German food and beer festival). We had so much fun! I didn't take too many pictures because when it was light out it was raining and then it got dark and the pictures didn't turn out very well.


Love this guy!
After Reggie's vet appointment Saturday morning, we picked Cooper up and enjoyed some family time.

Look at our boys sharing a snack
Saturday afternoon we had a birthday party for one of my little cousins who turned 1.

Cooper was obsessed with the Elmo balloon (which is now in our living room)

my aunt makes the BEST food-Cooper clearly agrees
Two of my other cousins offered to take Cooper on a ride in the wagon. I didn't think he would go since I wasn't going...but he was all "Bye mama!"

Sunday we just relaxed and did some grocery shopping, laundry, and prepared for another busy (and exciting!) week ahead! I can't wait to share our recap for next weekend--I'm already looking so forward to it!!


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