
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Our Nation's Capital-DC Vacation Recap

This entry starts out the way...with traffic. Our 3.5 hour drive to Alexandria, VA turned into almost 4.5 hours and we didn't get into DC until after 2:00.

We managed to hit the Capitol, Washington Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam War Memorial, WWII Memorial, and Einstein Monument in about 3.5 hours. And we walked to each place. We figured up we walked about 6-7 miles just in one day!

We grabbed dinner back in Alexandria and came back to the hotel and passed out only to get up early the next morning and start again.

The next day was museum day. We managed to hit up 5 museums and see the White House, Arlington Cemetery, and the Pentagon. We were back in Alexandria by about 7:45/8:00. So it was about a 12 hour day, but so worth it!

We came back to Alexandria, grabbed a bite to eat, and came back to the hotel to get our bags ready so we could leave the next morning.

That ends our vacation recap! Coming up next-reviews and tips & tricks!


  1. That bag is bigger than you are! Looks like a fun trip! Can't believe how much you packed in. But it's worth it, I love DC!
