Hey hey hey!! I'm back this week linking up with
Erin (who I get to meet in December-no big deal!) because....bust open the booze and hand over the chips and dip..oh and don't talk to me at 9:00 on Sunday mornings in a few weeks because Fantasy Football Now will be on....that's right...it's almost here...FOOTBALL SEASON!!!
Now--I am more of a pro football girl myself but I know plenty of people who are just as excited, if not more, about college football so...celebrations all around!!
Our fantasy football draft is Sunday so to celebrate-I thought that I would give you my top five fantasy football tips! And if you haven't played before--I highly recommend them!!
1. Know your league. What type of league is it? How do you get your points? See--back in the day, you used to get all your points by your running backs because stud running backs were the hot ticket. Foster, Peterson, Charles, MJD. You know 'em. Now a days..there are few teams that base their run offense on one solid RB. Now they have 2-3 that will cover the runs so that means having All Day (any League watchers?) sounds like a phenomenal idea but in the end-you will more than likely get your points by getting a solid receiver in the first round. Possibly the second round as well. You're going to need at least two really good receivers. Then...pick up a QB!
2. Kickers are always last in my book. They're easy to swipe up when you're in bye week hell.
3. Pay attention to bye weeks. They will bite you really hard. It's inevitable...your best players are usually on a bye on the same week.
This is me during bye week hell every season. Also, I thought Erin would enjoy this picture! haha |
4. As silly as it sounds-know what team your players play for. Duh, right? Follow me-you have Andrew Luck and Reggie Wayne for your QB and one of your WR's. Luck throws 6 INT's and Wayne has a fumble and 55 yards for the day. Your match up probably just went down the toilet. Nothing wrong with putting your stock with one team, but be aware of the risks.
5. Playing fantasy football gives you a reason to jump on this show's band wagon. We LOVE it. I legit cackle when we watch it. But I feel like you don't really "get" a lot of the humor unless you 1. love football and/or 2. play fantasy. Also-that show is not for the easily offended type...you've been warned.
My goal in life is to be Jenny McArthur. She's my hero. And I wanna grab a drink with Taco. Just watch an episode and thank me later! (Source) |
Hopefully these tips will help you DOMINATE your fantasy season this year! Good luck!!
Thanks Erin for hosting this link-up! Happy (almost!) football season!!