
Monday, November 17, 2014

Life These Days

I'm really not all that great at updating this lovely little blog of mine. I promise I will get better at it-life is just really hectic. We have huge life changes coming up very shortly and well, things have been just...crazy! (And for the record-NO I'm not pregnant again!)

Enjoy a good photo dump until I get back into the swing of things: 

Pumpkin Patch
Trip to the Zoo
Zoo Boo
Adorable smiles
Life as a toddler is ROUGH sometimes.

Hopefully things will slow down a bit soon!
Monday, September 29, 2014

Meal Planning/Grocery Shopping

Oh, hello there!! How has a month went by since I last posted? 

Life is pretty crazy around here-so it goes by pretty quickly, to be honest. I would love to tell you that October is pretty laid back for us's not. We have plans every weekend in October, but I will try harder to post more than once a month!

I mentioned in a previous post that Jon and I are really trying to budget/kill debt/save money/BUILD A HOUSE!! 

We have found when we sat down to start the process that we spend a lot of money on going out to eat. A LOT. Since I do the cooking for our family, I wanted to find ways to prevent this. Insert meal planning.

I go to the grocery store twice a month-with a weekly trip for milk and produce. I sit down on Thursday night the week I go shopping and it takes me approximately 2 hours to meal plan, but it saves us literally $100's every month.

I have had several people ask me how I do my meal planning and couponing. I decided to split the two topics up, so meal planning is up first.

First of all-here are my tools:

Erin Condren Life Planner (with my Recipe notes opened), coupon organizer, essentials list, and meal plan template

I use my meal plan template that I based off of my friend Amanda's template. I fill in any social events first that will require us to eat out (date nights, etc). 

When it comes to deciding what meals to make I first look through my inventory sheets to see what I have on hand, then I will go through my coupons to see what meals I can make out of coupons that are expiring. From there I fill in any meals I can make with items that are on sale. Anything left over, I plan according to what we want/what sounds good.
I really try to utilize foods the best I can. For example, we only use about 1/3 of a pot of spaghetti sauce at a time. I will go ahead and make an entire pot, then freeze the other 2/3 for a later date. If we make steaks, I will make 2-3 extra and cut them into strips for quesadillas. Once a month, I will bake a bunch of chicken breasts and shred them and put the shredded chicken into ziploc bags. We use shredded chicken a lot and it really does save time to just thaw out a bag of it that's premade.

Anyways...after I've filled in all the columns, I make sure I have everything I need to make the meals-if I don't have an ingredient-it goes on the shopping list. Once I have that meal's ingredients, I check mark the meal so I know it's accounted for.

I go through my list and put a circle (sometimes I will highlight) items that I have a coupon for. When I make the list I also note anything special about the item with a coupon (such as the brand name or how many I need to purchase).

Then I make sure I have all the coupons clipped on my clipboard and I'm ready to go!

You will see on the bottom of the sheet I give myself an estimated bill to expect-along with the total of coupons that I have. This week I actually came in quite a bit under my estimated amount-which is always a good thing! But-I didn't have to buy diapers, dog food, meat, etc.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Day weekend recap!

Short work weeks make me happy!! It means more time I get to spend with my guys..and I relish in that time!

So...this weekend was Luke weekend and I'll tell started out...rouuuuuuuuuugh.

Ya see..I posted about my cousin and I going to the concert Friday night and Jon and I were supposed to go Saturday night. 

I went to sleep around 10 on Thursday night to prep myself for the long weekend of little sleep. Jon woke me up to go to bed at around 11:00 and I just happened to check my phone and saw I had a text message from my cousin that she was in the ER because she thought she broke her foot/ankle.

Thankfully she didn't break it...she sprained it really bad but she didn't break it! Since she couldn't put any weight on it, she couldn't go on Friday night. (We had tickets in the lawn...standing on a hill for hours would not be the best idea.)

So at 6:30 in the morning, Jon became my concert partner for the night. I was bummed my cousin couldn't go, but I was excited Jon could go with me. Talk about a crazy day though--I left work at 3, came home, changed clothes, and took care of Reg. Then Jon came home and we left at 4:30.

We hit traffic the entire way up there and a normal 1 hour drive took almost two hours. We got in right at 6:30 and the concert started at 7. Close call! The concert was great!! And I was on cloud nine because I was there with the best guy in the world!! (I'll get to this statement in a minute...there's a story there.)

Not bad seats for only getting there 30 minutes before the show.

After the show we sat in the parking lot for an hour without even moving. Finally started the trek home when we realized..oh yeah..we were in such a hurry to get to the concert that we hadn't eaten anything since lunch! we swung by Wendy's and ordered food at 12:30, went home, and passed out. 

Saturday we slept in until 9 (Dream big!) and then I started for round two.

Yeah..I...started. Why just me and not both Jon and I? 

I'm going to take you back to Friday around 4:30. Jon and I were getting in the car to go to the concert and he said,"I'm just going to run this by don't have to do it..but I think you would really like it.." I said, "Okay.." He said,"Since we have pavillion seats for Saturday night..why don't you and Katie go tomorrow night since we are going tonight?" I asked him a million times if he was serious and if he was sure. He reassured me that he was absolutely sure.

He is the sweetest, most thoughtful guy I know! I totally cried when he said this because he knows how much Katie and I love going to concerts together and the fact that he thought of my cousin's health was so sweet! *swoooon*

Sooooooooo....Saturday I picked Katie up and we headed up to Olive Garden for a pre concert carb fest!

We got to the concert and had a BLAST!! Plenty of people watching and booty shaking was done!

Favorite Cousins<3<3
As far as the concert goes--well..Cole KILLED it. Seriously..he is SO good!!!! Lee Brice, however, I was not a huge fan. Jon and I saw him live a few years ago and we really liked him, so I had high hopes. But man...he randomly screamed words...for example, " stockin up cold BUD LIGHTS for poker every Tuesday night.." Dude, you're singing a love song. Stop it. Just stop.

And Luke...oh....Luke. KILLED IT x ten! He did, actually, fall off the stage Saturday night. True story. We were watching him then all of a sudden boom..he wasn't there. And we hear, "HOLD UP HOLD HOLD UP HOLD UP. Well..add another stage to my list..and who grabbed my ass?!" hahahaha

Sunday, I went to the grocery store and relaxed with the boys. So needed!!

And look what's in our pantry now:

Signs that fall is coming!!

Have a great week!!! 
(& keep your fingers crossed that we are able to watch the Colts game Sunday night--our local NBC station is fighting with DirectTV right now...PERFECT TIMING. Last year 30 minutes before kick off our cable went completely out because Comcast scheduled an we cancelled them and went to DirectTV..the football gods don't want us to watch the first day of football CLEARLY!)

Friday, August 29, 2014

Happy Friday!!!


This is not Photoshopped....beeeeeee jealous!

Also-today I'm guest posting over on Britt's blog. Go check it out! She's one of my most favorite people ever!
Thursday, August 28, 2014


...Cooper is getting his eye teeth. So...that' fun's the word. Or hell. Take your pick. Pretty sure teething is the work of Satan, himself.

...This weekend is a BIG weekend in the Beyer household!!

Why?? These guys are coming to town and this lady is going to BOTH nights!!

I die a million times over. fan status: This weekend will make my 13th and 14th Luke show. It will be my 2nd and 3rd for both Lee Brice and Cole. (Yes, we refer to them as Cole and Luke in our house-first name basis ya know hahaha)

...Thanks to these guys, I get some MUCH needed cousin time in my life on Friday night!! 

That pretty much sums us up. Jon says he's never seen two cousins be so close so...yep. 

...I'm trying to get back on this blogging routine, but honestly....some days I barely have time to breathe and if I have to choose between time with my family and boys are going to win every time. But I am working on new posts next week..and doing my first guest post this week, actually! Super exciting!!

.....Come back next week for a glimpse for how I plan out our meal plans and how we keep our groceries within our budget.
Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday Football Link Up

Hey hey hey!! I'm back this week linking up with Erin (who I get to meet in December-no big deal!) because....bust open the booze and hand over the chips and dip..oh and don't talk to me at 9:00 on Sunday mornings in a few weeks because Fantasy Football Now will be on....that's's almost here...FOOTBALL SEASON!!!

Now--I am more of a pro football girl myself but I know plenty of people who are just as excited, if not more, about college football so...celebrations all around!!

Our fantasy football draft is Sunday so to celebrate-I thought that I would give you my top five fantasy football tips! And if you haven't played before--I highly recommend them!!

1. Know your league. What type of league is it? How do you get your points? See--back in the day, you used to get all your points by your running backs because stud running backs were the hot ticket. Foster, Peterson, Charles, MJD. You know 'em. Now a days..there are few teams that base their run offense on one solid RB. Now they have 2-3 that will cover the runs so that means having All Day (any League watchers?) sounds like a phenomenal idea but in the end-you will more than likely get your points by getting a solid receiver in the first round. Possibly the second round as well. You're going to need at least two really good receivers. Then...pick up a QB! 


2. Kickers are always last in my book. They're easy to swipe up when you're in bye week hell. 

Hi Adam!!
3. Pay attention to bye weeks. They will bite you really hard. It's inevitable...your best players are usually on a bye on the same week. 

This is me during bye week hell every season. Also, I thought Erin would enjoy this picture! haha

4. As silly as it sounds-know what team your players play for. Duh, right? Follow me-you have Andrew Luck and Reggie Wayne for your QB and one of your WR's. Luck throws 6 INT's and Wayne has a fumble and 55 yards for the day. Your match up probably just went down the toilet. Nothing wrong with putting your stock with one team, but be aware of the risks.

5. Playing fantasy football gives you a reason to jump on this show's band wagon. We LOVE it. I legit cackle when we watch it. But I feel like you don't really "get" a lot of the humor unless you 1. love football and/or 2. play fantasy. Also-that show is not for the easily offended've been warned. 

My goal in life is to be Jenny McArthur. She's my hero. And I wanna grab a drink with Taco. Just watch an episode and thank me later! (Source)

Hopefully these tips will help you DOMINATE your fantasy season this year! Good luck!!

Thanks Erin for hosting this link-up! Happy (almost!) football season!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Where I've Been...


There are huge changes in the Beyer household coming up!!

We're working on some projects around the house-including a complete over haul of our closets, cabinets, etc.

We're doing this so we can list our house in the spring!!! 

Is this really even happening???

Oh and...we've started really working on revamping our budget so we can put a nice down payment down on our new house.

I can't wait to share with you how we are running our household now! We've made a lot of changes in a month!!

Sorry I've been MIA. Life has been crazy! I promise to update soon!
Friday, July 25, 2014

Looking Back-Our first five years of marriage

For as non photo heavy as the wedding recap posts've been warned..I'm more than making up for it.

Our first year of marriage was truly a learning experience. We were learning how to be husband and wife. It truly built a foundation for the years to come.

Luke Bryan concert

at our friends' engagement party
July 4th

We started our second year of marriage off with a late anniversary trip to Disney World. Our second year was full of making great memories and taking a few vacations!

our resort in Disney World
Disney World
Halloween Haunt
Tree lighting
Colts game
North Carolina welcome center :)
During this vacation, Jon worked so hard to make one of my most favorite memories I have to date. After much map questing and even asking around...he surprised me by finding Dawson's house!! I legit cried and took in every single second of the entire experience. I snapped a million pictures and sat on the dock FOREVER just looking out and taking everything in...he didn't even bat an eye.

Dawson's house!!!
Our third year of marriage was the hardest for us, emotionally. But brought us SO close. Closer than anyone will understand. Shortly after our third anniversary, we found out we were pregnant and we were SO excited...only to lose our baby four days later. And then we had the same damn thing happen two months later. After many (and I do mean many) tears and hugs, we decided to take some time away from baby making and regroup from it. Honestly-we went all out and had such a blast and really got back to just being us for awhile.

Grand Ole Opry
Halloween Haunt
Children's Museum
Merry Kiss-mas!

Oh hey-the Super Bowl came to Indy!!
Myrtle Beach 2012

Our fourth year brought a lot of changes our way...
At my friend Jesska's wedding...we had a litttttle secret we were keeping...
It's a boy!!
And on February 13, 2013, our lives changed for the better and we were blessed with this amazing little man

our first family picture with Cooper
Our fifth year we were learning how to be parents and still finding the balance of being husband and wife.

Jon and I snuck away for a little getaway in Gatlinburg
We celebrated this guy's first birthday:

Virginia Beach
Washington, DC